1. Conversations – what was I saying again?
2. Cups of tea.
3. Meals.
4. Make up. Mid mascara and they are usually trying to climb on your head.
5. Cleaning the house. Maybe if I push everything into this drawer, no one will notice.
6. Cleaning the toys. No matter how many times you put them away or how fancy your organisation toy boxes/cupboards are, those b***** still manage to find their way into the darkest corners of your house. Maybe they have a life of their own.
7. Washing. Does it ever end? Has anyone EVER seen the bottom of their laundry basket?
8. Worrying.
9. Did I say tea, already? Tea tastes better cold anyway, right?
10. Workouts. Burpees are so much more fun when they are hanging off your leg.
11. Life admin. Watching that stack of papers just getting higher and higher.
12. Ironing. Creased dresses are the new trend.
13. Netflix series. Still on the first episode of the series I started half a year ago.
14. Shopping. Mid weekly shop and they decide they have had enough and throw a sh*t storm in aisle 7 of Tesco.
15. Folding clothes. The never ending folding. And they go into a secret place where you will never ever find them again.
16. A hot bath. Coupled with phantom crying. And someone who suddenly needs the loo.
17. Dishes. Don’t even get me started.
18. Meetings with friends. Yes, I will pencil you in for May 2021.
19. That little house project you started three years ago whilst pregnant. Yes, I am still working on my vision board.
20. Reading that book you started a million years ago.